Saturday, February 17, 2007


Got back from a five day "simplicity retreat" at Karme-Choling recently. I was suprised by the relaxed nature of the retreat. I guess I should have read the description more carefully; I would have brought my ereader. I was kind of stressed as I usually am when I'm out of my element and around people. Because of the nature of the retreat (it had some people new to Buddhist retreats) I sometimes felt an obligation to socialize when I'd rather have gone off and read. That being said I definitely enjoyed socializing with my fellow retreatants. I had a private room which helped and the Shambhalians were very friendly and helpful. Most of them were omnivores, which still suprises me.

It was so cold outside that it was nearly impossible to get exercise, which would have helped my disposition. Still, by the end of the week I had settled down a little bit and overall it was a good experience.

I'll be taking a another Buddhist class in Burlington on Monday nights. Hopefully, it'll be as useful as the other classes I've taken.

Thursday, February 01, 2007


The last person in America just got it, that we have to stop importing oil because
  • it causes global warning
  • we're propping up the price of oil that our enemies are getting when they sell on the global market.

Unfortunately, the last person is president and he still doesn't have the stomach to stand up to big business and make them do what they need to reduce consumption.